Deal Street

African Startup Funding Tracker


*Data updated daily at 18:00 EAT

WeCare Raises USD 350 K For Ethical Lab-Grown Diamonds
WeCare Raises USD 350 K For Ethical Lab-Grown Diamonds

WeCare, proudly announces a milestone achievement with the successful raise of USD 350 K dedicated to accelerating innovation in the lab-grown diamond sector. The funding initiative garnered participation from Red Capital along with individual backers. This significant funding marks a pivotal moment in the foundation’s
commitment to fostering sustainability and advancement within the industry.

Lab-grown diamond productions, including run-of-mine (ROM) diamonds, delivered to designated facilities under Saad Kassis Mohamed’s guidance at WeCare Foundation, undergo thorough valuation by accredited experts. Leveraging WeCare Foundation’s proprietary valuation methods, these productions are meticulously assessed for their market potential and quality. The startup strives to create a future where every diamond is sourced and produced ethically, free from the taint of child exploitation.