11,000 Angolan Homes To Be Connected With Electricity Under New Project

Angola’s Energy and Water minister João Baptista Borges has announced a new 20-megawatt thermal power plant to supply power to Luena city, eastern Moxico province.
The new plant that is expected to begin operating in September will see 11 thousand homes being connected. The Minister said the new infrastructure will significantly increase energy production in the region.
Earlier the Minister said that half of Angola’s population will have access to electricity by 2022.
While addressing the press, João Baptista Borges revealed the sector plans to install eight power transformers and expand the distribution network.
Notably, the minister also disclosed plans to establish a solar plant in a bid to reduce the cost of obtaining fuels.
In a move to tackle the energy situation in Alto Zambeze and Léua, the government official said Luena thermal power station will be revived.
The minister also earlier noted the government plans to connect an average of 200,000 homes annually with electricity for the next five years.
“The goal of 200 thousand connections could be reached with the completion of the works of the major hydroelectric projects, namely Laúca and Cáculo Cabaça and the Soyo combined cycle plant, as well as other ongoing investments,” he said.
Access to electricity in Angola was reported at 40.52 per cent in 2016, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators.
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