New Report Ranks Kenya As The Most Optimistic Country In Africa

Kenya is the most optimistic country in Africa. The Global Optimism Outlook Survey has revealed that 70 percent of Kenyans identify themselves as optimists, above the global average of 56 Percent.
The survey conducted by YouGov attributed the high levels of optimism to new opportunities being created by a thriving digital technology environment, decentralized system of government, and improved socio-economic conditions across the country.
Generally, Africa is the second most optimistic region (64 percent) after South America with the highest rate of 74 percent, the Middle East came in third at (60 percent) followed by Asia (57 percent), North America (50 percent) and West/East Europe (50 percent).
The survey which was commissioned by Expo 2020 Dubai analyzed more than 20,000 people across 23 countries, it looked at topics such as sustainability, economic growth, technology, travel, the future outlook among many others.
The report highlighted that most people around the globe have similar priorities regarding key issues facing the planet’s future, 70 percent of Kenyans were considered optimistic about mankind’s ability to combat climate change.
This comes at a time when many leaders across the globe are championing new ways to tackle climate change, world leaders are currently attending the UN Climate Action Summit.
Kenyans were found to consider natural resource conservation, alternative energy and zero waste as most important in creating a better future.
85 percent of Kenyans believe that Knowledge gathering, learning, and access to education is key to unlock the country’s potential by the year 2050.
“82 percent of Kenyans believe that Access to resources and free trade are the best avenues to unlock potential while 81 percent and 73 percent believe in Collaboration across national borders and cultures and Sustainable smart cities respectively,” the report noted.
“In the next three decades, Kenyans would most likely to experience free trade (82 percent), self-powering and energy-producing transportation (72 per cent), carbon-free travel (68 per cent), e-commerce (66 per cent), and cloud computing, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (66 per cent).
While commenting on the survey, Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation and Director-General of Expo 2020 Dubai, said that the report highlights the increased connectivity around the world.
“That dialogue, communication, and collaboration are essential, and that we are united in our desire to create a happier, more inclusive, cleaner planet. Whether you’re sitting in South America, China, or here in the UAE, we’re connected in our passions for a better future” she added.